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We hope you've enjoyed learning more about Boston Green Academy! As you have seen, it takes a dedicated staff, committed partners, trusting families, and eager students to make the magic happen.  It also takes a variety of donors and funders to address the wide variety of fiscal needs that we face every year. We are fortunate to have several generous local and regional foundations who have supported our outdoor classroom, and continue to support Project Week, our alumni program, project based learning, professional development, the CTE program, freight farm, and myriad projects.  However, most foundations do not support staff salaries, internship stipends for seniors, the Moment of Need Fund, field trips, after-school groups, or school events.  We depend on our growing list of friends and associates to help provide us with the kind of unrestricted funding that addresses daily critical needs. For instance:


  • Paying seniors during their required 6-week internship is a game-changer. Students feel more professional, have greater self-confidence, and perhaps most important, do not have to work long hours at low-paying jobs which interfere with job attendance and work performance. It also helps our host sites and mentors feel more comfortable asking students to take on more responsibility during their internships, thus making the experience beneficial to students and hosts alike. To support this year's senior class internships, we will need $105,000

  • Our Moment of Need Fund is available to any student or family with critical financial need. Transportation, medications, utilities, food, and clothing have all been provided to families through the fund when they experience a sudden need. To keep our fund viable, we will need $8,000 this year.

  • Field trips to museums, green- and cleantech organizations, colleges and universities, all require transportation and, usually, lunch off campus.  These are small expenses that add up quickly for a school of 500 where equity is always our priority. To support the full complement of out-of-school activities this year, we will need $25,000.


Donations of any amount will support these initiatives, and more.  Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support our students, and consider stopping by the school for a visit. We will keep you updated on dozens of events and exhibitions throughout the year and look forward to seeing you.

To donate via PayPal, please click the button.

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Please make checks out to: Boston Green Academy Foundationand mail to:

Boston Green Academy

20 Warren Street

Brighton, MA 02135

For questions and further information please contact Andrea at

Wet grass

Boston Green Academy

20 Warren Street

Brighton, MA 02135

617 635-9860

Boston Green Academy welcomes diverse students of all abilities, educates and empowers them to succeed in college and career, and prepares them to lead in the sustainability of our community and world.

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