Boston Green Academy is the only Boston Public School with an explicitly green mission, focusing on climate and sustainability education via environmental justice, systems thinking, and hands-on project-based learning. One BGA tradition involves Green Exhibitions: grade-specific, cross curricular projects that depart from the regular curriculum and involve everyone in a collective exploration of critical themes ranging from food systems, circular economies/zero waste, gentrification and climate resilience, to climate migration and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Green Exhibitions are one of the most fundamentally green traditions at BGA, culminating in a public-facing presentation of work and ideas, with student voice front and center.
Ultimately, we want our students to understand and dive deeply into a variety of environmental challenges and opportunities on their Green Academy journey. For up to seven years, our students get to travel from initial exposure and discovery to full-on mastery and ownership of complex green ideas and concepts: from systems to “how stuff works” to mindsets and philosophies. Through Green Exhibitions, our young leaders are pushed and prepared for the environmental complexities they’re inheriting.
At the same time, our staff are trailblazers, challenging one another to “try it on” and have multiple chances to cross pollinate, experiment, weave ties between disciplines and ways of thinking, and learn alongside our students, their families, and our wider community.
Click on the graphic below to see more about our Green Exhibitions.